GreenProtein at the BBI JU Stakeholders Forum

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The GreenProtein participated in the BBI JU Stakeholders Forum that took place the 4th of December of 2019 in Brussels, Belgium. The day before, the 3 of December, the BBI JU organised the “Projects Day”, dedicated exclusively to BBI JU funded projects, in which GreenProtein also took part.


The BBI JU Projects Day

The Projects Day took place on the 3 of December. This day was closed to BBI JU funded projects, who had the chance to better understand each other and present their progress.

During the Projects Day, Innovarum, Communication Partner of the project,  gave a presentation about GreenProtein and participated as panellist in a debate that followed afterwards.

GreenProtein-BBIJU Stakeholders Forum


The BBI JU Stakeholders Forum


““The second edition of the Stakeholder Forum is a one-day public event that will bring together the bio-based industries community and facilitate open discussion on the impact, achievements and strategic direction of the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) programme, as well as the latest developments in the bio-based industries sector.”
BBI JU Stakeholders Forum webpage.

Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking

Approximately, this edition of the event gathered a total of 700 attendants: industry, SMEs, academia, research organisations and policymakers, opinion leaders, EU community, BBI JU projects’ participants… etc.

Follow us on social media for the last updates!

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