About the Project
GreenProtein is an European project which aims at a major innovation in the fields of protein production and food loss reduction in the EU by producing high-added value, food-grade functional proteins and other ingredients, out of green field waste.
The general objective of the GreenProtein project, that gathers 7 different European partners during 4.5 years, is to establish a demo plant for the extraction and purification of functional RuBisCo protein isolate at industrial scale. GreenProtein will demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of the revalorisation of green residues from existing agroindustry.
The demo plant is design so it is a replicable system with a high spreading projection in the whole EU.
10 of October of 2019: the GreenProtein BBI JU Project opens its DEMO Plant.
Location: The Netherlands
More information: Opening of the GreenProtein Demo Plant
Watch the Opening of the DEMO Plant!
The GreenProtein Project in Numbers
Project Months
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