Alternative proteins in BBI JU Projects
The GreenProtein project successfully secured funding from the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU). This was possible thanks to its innovative proposal for the development of new alternative protein sourcers from green residuces. Below can be found the specific description of our goal:
The GreenProtein Project seeks to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of the revalorisation of green residues (beet leaves) from existing agroindustry into high value alternative proteins.
Like GreenProtein, there are more projects funded by the BBI JU.
The BBI JU is a €3.7 billion public-private partnership between the EU and the BBI (Bio-Based Industries Consortium). It seeks to tackle society’s major challenges through investments in bio-based innovation. In general, its projects propose solutions for waste reduction and resource management, circular economy support, breakthrough innovation development and long-term sustainability.
Specifically, in this post we want to talk about projects that strive to develop processes to produce new alternative proteins. But first, we want to introduce the importance that finding new alternative proteins has today for our planet long-term sustainability:
The importance of finding alternative proteins
What other projects work on this issue? Why is the BBI JU and the EU working on this?
- “The greenhouse gas footprint of animal agriculture rivals that that of every car, truck, bus, ship, airplane, and rocket ship combined.” (UN Environment) That is, producing enough animal protein to feed the world population has severe negative repercussions on the environment.
- “The world’s population is expected to grow to almost 10 billion by 2050, boosting agricultural demand” (FAO, The Future of Food and Agriculture). In other words, we do need new sustainable ways to produce proteins to sustain the world population.
- Common vegetable protein sources like soy crops have its own risks: “Without proper safeguards, the soybean industry is causing widespread deforestation and displacement of small farmers and indigenous peoples around the globe” (WWF, Soybean overview)
BBI JU projects that develop alternative proteins
ProEnrich: alternative proteins from rapeseed meal, olives, tomatoes and citrus fruit
Pro Enrich Grant agreement ID: 792050
The ProEnrich BBI-JU Project counts with 16 partners from 7 different countries. It is an active project since the 1srt of May of 2018 and it will finish on the 30 of April of 2021.
Prominent: alternative proteins from wheat & rice side streams
Prominent Grant agreement ID: 668953
This BBI-JU project counts with a total of 9 project partners from 11 EU countries. It has been active since the 1st of July of 2015 an it finished on the 31st of October of 2018.
Prolific: alternative proteins from seeds of peas, beans, chickpeas, fungi and coffee
Prolific Grant agreement ID: 790157
Prolific counts with 17 European partners. It is an active BBI JU project since the 1st of September of 2018 and it will be running until the 31st of August of 2022.
Sylfeed: alternative proteins from wood residues
Sylfeed Grant agreement ID: 745591
Sylfeed counts with 10 partners from 6 European countries. it started on the 1st of September of 2017 and it will run until the 31st of August of 2021.
“SYLFEED enables to produce a nutritional and sustainable source of protein from wood residues for the fish feed market. It unlocks value from underexploited forest and wood residues by bringing a competitive and high-quality source of protein to fish feed manufacturers.”
These projects are just an example of what can be found in the BBI JU website section for projects. GreenProtein project, together with other different BBI JU projects, contribute to the development of a sustainable European protein production industry.