GreenProtein General Assembly & DEMO Plant Part 2
The GreenProtein General Assembly took place the 9th of October. The day after, 10th of October, the project celebrated the Grand Opening of the GreenProtein DEMO plant.
Below are the pictures taken during those days, which show the activity and environment of the moment:
The GreenProtein General Assembly
The Greenprotein consortium met the 9th of October in The Netherlands. During the meeting, all partners presented their progress in their respective work packages and commented on the general development of the project. It was a great opportunity to share insights and to understand the overall situation of each of the parts that (all together) make Greenprotein happen.
Green Protein: From sugarbeet leaves to protein
Grand Opening of the GreenProtein DEMO Plant
The 10th of October took place the Grand Opening of the Greenprotein DEMO Plant, which is located in Dinteloord, The Netherlands.
Paulus Kosters, Sr Program Manager Protein at Royal Cosun, presented the Opening of the Greenprotein Demo Plant together with other Suiker Unie and Cosun Representatives.
Philippe Mengal, BBI JU Executive Director, attended the event in representation of the BBI JU (Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking). Furthermore, Media Representatives, local authorites and different personalities of the agricualtural industry world in the The Netherlands also attended the presentation and Opening of the GreenProtein Demo Plant.
Overall, the event was a huge success. It not only was proof of the hard work of the Greenprotein project partners during the last year, but also a demostration of how public funds from the EU can help transform an innovative idea into a Demostration Plant able to produce real and functional output: RuBisco protein.
Follow us on social media with the hashtag #GreenProteinDEMOPlant for the last updates!